Some of my thoughts upon hearing what the Prophet teaches

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Ladders on the wrong wall

That scripture reminds me of a friend who proudly boasted that his climb toward wealth had come from tireless work and lessons learned in the “school of hard knocks.” But his fortune had come at the expense of his spiritual development. When it was too late, he regretfully discovered that his ladder of success had been leaning against the wrong wall.

(1992, October, Russell M. Nelson, ‘Where Is Wisdom?,’ Ensign, November 1992, ¶ 22)

But learning can be misused! A sharp mind, misdirected, can cut into that line of spiritual power. Some “learned” souls delight in leading others astray, all in the so-called name of learning. Years later their victims may realize that they have climbed their ladder of learning, only to find it leaning against the wrong wall.
(1984, October, Russell M. Nelson, ‘Protect the Spiritual Power Line,’ Ensign, November 1984, ¶ 9)

Boyd K. Packer 1976

Some have reached great heights in their chosen fields. But few have captured the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the restoration of it in music, in art, in literature. They have not, therefore, even though they were gifted, made a lasting contribution to the onrolling of the Church and kingdom of God in the dispensation of the fulness of times. They have therefore missed doing what they might have done, and they have missed being what they might have become. I am reminded of the statement “There are many who struggle and climb and finally reach the top of the ladder, only to find that it is leaning against the wrong wall.”

E. Uchtdorf-multiple "right" answers

Dieter F. Uchtdorf @UchtdorfDF When you ask God for guidance about decisions in your life—including some important decisions—He may not give...