Some of my thoughts upon hearing what the Prophet teaches

Sunday, April 4, 2021

General Conference April 2021

 President Nelson offered five suggestions to help Latter-day Saints develop that faith and trust.

  • First, study. Become an engaged learner.
  • Second, choose to believe in Jesus Christ.
  • Third, act in faith.
  • Fourth, partake of sacred ordinances worthily.
  • And fifth, ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, for help.

President Nelson said faith takes work. “Truly, faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible.

“Do not minimize the faith you already have. It takes faith to join the Church and remain faithful. It takes faith to follow prophets rather than pundits and popular opinion. It takes faith to serve a mission during a pandemic. It takes faith to live a chaste life when the world shouts that God’s law of chastity is now outmoded. It takes faith to teach the gospel to children in a secular world. It takes faith to plead for the life of a loved one, and even more faith to accept a disappointing answer.”

Mountains do not always move “how or when we would like. But faith will always propel us forward.”

Fatih always increases access to godly power, said President Nelson.

“Please know this: If everything and everyone else in the world whom you trust should fail, Jesus Christ and His Church will never fail you.”

E. Uchtdorf-multiple "right" answers

Dieter F. Uchtdorf @UchtdorfDF When you ask God for guidance about decisions in your life—including some important decisions—He may not give...