Some of my thoughts upon hearing what the Prophet teaches

Monday, March 25, 2019

Interfaith dialog

President Nelson met the Pope at the Vatican in March, 2019. He made some important points about interfaith dialog.

From the press release:

The significance of the meeting was getting to know Pope Francis and for His Holiness “to know us and finding we have so many points in common,” said President Nelson.

The differences in doctrine are real,“ he added. “They are important. But they are not nearly as important as things we have in common—our concern for human suffering, our desire for and the importance of religious liberty for all of society, and the importance of building bridges of friendship instead of building walls of segregation."

Here are excerpts from another news release:

President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with Pope Francis inside the Vatican Saturday, the first meeting between a Latter-day Saint president and a pope. The visit comes a day before President Nelson dedicates the Church’s first temple in Rome. President Nelson was joined by President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Following the 33-minute meeting, President Nelson and President Ballard met with members of the media. "We had a most cordial, unforgettable experience. His Holiness, he was most gracious and warm and welcoming," said President Nelson. He continued, "What a sweet, wonderful man he is, and how fortunate the Catholic people are to have such a gracious, concerned, loving and capable leader."

President Nelson said, "We talked about our mutual concern for the people who suffer throughout the world and want to relieve human suffering. We talked about the importance of religious liberty, the importance of the family, our mutual concern for the youth [and] for the secularization of the world and the need for people to come to God and worship Him, pray to Him and have the stability that faith in Jesus Christ will bring in their lives."

Interfaith dialogue has been a practice of Latter-day Saint leaders from the founding days of the faith. Since becoming leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2018, President Nelson has engaged with Roman Catholic prelates during several of his ministry stops. In Texas last November, he met with Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of the Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio. And last month in Arizona, he spoke to Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Catholic Bishop of Phoenix. President Nelson has engaged in similar outreach many times in his 35 years of service as an apostle, traveling to more than 130 countries to minister to Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith.

President Nelson was interviewed in October 2018 by Sergio Rubin, the biographer of Pope Francis, during a ministry stop in Uruguay. President Nelson and Mr. Rubin briefly discussed the Rome Italy Temple. “We appreciate the kindness of the pope and the Vatican. They are most gracious in welcoming us,” the prophet said at the time.

The link about the founding days of the faith goes to Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843.

Sunday July 9 [th]. 1843 Joseph remarced [remarked] that all was well between him and the heavens that he had no emnity against any one. and as the prayer of Jesus. or his pattern so prayed Joseph. Father forgive me my trespasses. as I forgive those who trespass. against me. for I freely forgive all men.—— if we would s[e]cure & cultivate the love of others we must love others. even our enemies— as well as friends “why is it this babler gains so many followers. & retains them”? because I possess the principle of love, All I can offer the world a good heart & a good hand. Mormons can testify whether I am willing to lay down my life for a mormon;
If it has been demonstrated that I am have been willing to die for a mormon I am bold to declare <​befo[r]e heaven​> that I <​am​> just as ready to die for a presbytiran. a baptist or any other denomination.— It is a love of libe[r]ty which inspires my soul. civil and religious liberty— were diffused into my soul by my grandfathers. while they dandld me on their knees.— and shall I want friends? no!——
“Where in do you differ from other[s] in your religious. views?”— In reality & essencce we do not differ so far in our religio[us] v[i]ews but that we could all dring [drink] into one principle of love
one [of] the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism <​is​> to receivee thruth [truth] let it come from where it may.— we beli[e]ve in the great Eloheem. who— sits enthrond in yonder heavens.— so do the presbyterian. If as a skillful mechanic In taking a weldi[n]g heat I use a borax & allum. &c—— an[d] succe[e]d in welding you all together shall I not have attaind a good object.
if I esteem mankind to be in error shall I bear them down? no! I will will lift them up.— & in his own way if I cannot persuade him my way is better? & I will ask no man to believe as I do.
Do you believe in Jesus christ &c? So do I. christians should cultivate the frie[n]dship of each other. & will do it.
“Do you believe in the baptism of infants.”? says the presby[t]erian.— No.— “why”. because it is no where written in the book circumcision is not Baptism. Baptism is for remission of sins.— childrn have no sins— he <​Jesus​> blessed them— do what you have seen me do— all made alive in christ. faith & repentance.— we are agreed.— baptism. yes by imme[r]sion. the Hebrew is the root. to by bury immerse—— Do you believe this no.— I believe in b[e]ing convertd converted.—— I believe in this tinaceously [tenaciously]

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Rome Temple dedicatory prayer


Following is the text of the dedicatory prayer of the Rome Italy Temple offered by President Russell M. Nelson on Sunday, March 10, 2019.
O God, our Eternal Father, Thou great Elohim, we come before Thee on this sacred occasion in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to dedicate the Rome Italy Temple.
We thank Thee for Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who assures us of immortality and invites us to repent and have enduring joy here and hereafter. We are grateful to Thee for providing us with Thy great plan of happiness, that enables us to return to live with Thee.
We thank Thee for the Restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ through Thy Prophet Joseph Smith. We are thankful that keys of the priesthood have been restored that enable sacred ordinances to be performed on earth for the benefit of Thy children on both sides of the veil.
In this ancient and great city that has stood since biblical times — in this historic nation of Italy — we acknowledge the ministry of two of Thy Son’s early Apostles, Peter and Paul, who once blessed this land with their labors. May the influence of their abiding testimony of Jesus Christ continue to be felt among the vital values of this great country. We express gratitude for the feelings of faith in and service to Jesus Christ that have long established this area as a bastion of Christianity.
We thank Thee that Thou hast called Apostles in these latter days to bear special witness of the name of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We pray for Thy blessings to be upon them as they teach and testify of Thy Son and His gospel. We are grateful that all living Apostles are participating in these dedicatory services.
We are thankful for the early missionaries of this dispensation who dedicated this part of Thy vineyard for the preaching of the restored gospel. We give thanks for those who have labored here ever since. May Thy work continue to flourish and righteousness prevail in this important part of the world.
We are grateful for the support of church, government, and civic leaders who have offered much-appreciated goodwill in our desire to build this holy temple here in Rome. Wilt Thou bless them for their kindness and fortify their continued desire to preserve religious liberty for all.
Bless Thy children that they may be imbued with an earnest desire to learn of Thee. Help them to be receptive to the promptings of Thy Holy Spirit, seek the path of righteousness, and choose to be blessed by obedience to Thy commandments.
We pray for members of Thy Church who reside within this temple district. Please bless them and their families with faith in and devotion to Thy Son. Bless the youth that they may be valiant in their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Bless the parents that they will be exemplary and committed covenant keepers who strive to follow Thy Son and become more like Him.
The Christus is illuminated in the Rome Italy Temple Visitors' center with a reflection of the temple in Rome, Italy, on Friday, March 8, 2019. Photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News.
The Rome Italy Temple is pictured at sunset on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. Photo by Ravell Call, Deseret News.
May all Latter-day Saints in this area — young and old — be drawn frequently to this holy temple. Bless them to feel Thy Spirit as they participate in the great redemptive work performed here. May they be infused with the spirit of the gathering of Israel. May they receive and perform sacred ordinances here with a commitment to stay on the covenant path that leads to eternal life with their families.
Now, Beloved Father, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, we hereby dedicate unto Thee and unto Thy Son the Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We dedicate this beautiful temple — from its footings to its spires — to be a house of the Lord, raised up unto Thy Son for His holy redemptive work. We dedicate each room for Thy sacred use. We dedicate the furnishings, fixtures, and supporting systems for their specific purposes.
We dedicate each of the ancillary buildings. We dedicate the adjacent landscaping and grounds, that they may be attractive and kept safe from harm. As we dedicate the beautiful visitors’ center, we are mindful that Jesus Christ and His early Apostles are magnificently memorialized there in marble sculpture. May Thy blessings be upon all who visit the center, that they may desire to come closer to Thy Son, learn more of His life and teachings, and be numbered among the Lord’s devoted disciples.
Bless all workers who have helped to prepare these beautiful buildings and grounds. Wilt Thou protect these facilities from natural disasters and any human acts of evil intent.
Wilt Thou bless the temple presidency and matrons who will render consecrated service. Protect them and their families as they fulfill their callings. Bless all who serve here, that their efforts may be extended with love and kindness as they assist patrons who come to receive exalting ordinances for themselves and for their ancestors. Bless all those who come here seeking to know Thy will in their lives, that they may receive needed inspiration and revelation.
Beloved Father, we honor Thy holy name and that of Thy Son. We pray that Thy great plan of salvation will continue to roll forward throughout the earth in accordance with Thy desire to bless Thy children everywhere. On this sacred day, we express unto Thee our love and gratitude for the privilege of dedicating this, the Rome Italy Temple, and do so in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A hinge point in the history of the Church

In Rome for the dedication of the temple, President Nelson said "This is a hinge point in the history of the church. Things are going to move forward at an accelerated pace, of which this is a part... The church is going to have an unprecedented future, unparalleled; we're just building up to what's ahead now."

E. Uchtdorf-multiple "right" answers

Dieter F. Uchtdorf @UchtdorfDF When you ask God for guidance about decisions in your life—including some important decisions—He may not give...